Oral Submission: If you want to submit an oral contribution (10 min), please use the submission form online to send us your abstract - More Info |
ORALS (34) |
Yue Ban (University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, Spain) |
Mutual Reinforcement between Neural Networks and Quantum Physics
Xi Chen (UPV/EHU: Universidad del Pais Vasco, Spain) |
Machine-Learning Assisted Quantum Control in Random Environment
Alessandro Ciani (Forschunszentrum Jülich, Germany) |
Error mitigation and quantum-assisted simulation in the error corrected regime
Aron Cummings (ICN2, Spain) |
Intraparticle entanglement in graphene
Ipsita Das (ICFO, Spain) |
Symmetry broken Chern insulator in twisted bilayer graphene
Giorgio di Battista (ICFO, Spain) |
Magic-angle graphene superconducting nano-calorimeter
Jaime Díez-Mérida (ICFO - Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain) |
Magnetic Josephson Junctions and Superconducting Diodes in Magic Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene
Paul Dreher (Donostia International Physics Center, Spain) |
Observation of superconducting Leggett modes from competing pairing instabilities in single-layer NbSe2
Josefine Enkner (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) |
Breakdown of the topological protection by cavity vacuum fields in the integer quantum Hall effect
Leonardo Gasparini (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy) |
Use of SPAD arrays for quantum technology
Carmem M Gilardoni (University of Groningen, The Netherlands) |
Spin-active color centers in silicon carbide for telecom-compatible quantum devices
Tobias Grass (ICFO, Spain) |
Quantum Annealing with Bias Fields
María Hita Pérez (Instituto de Física Fundamental, IFF-CSIC, Spain) |
Coupling 3-Josephson junctions flux qubits for Quantum Computation
Maxim Ilyn (Centro de Física de Materiales CSIC-UPV/EHU, Spain) |
Development of the tunnelling devices with spin-split Al/EuS electrodes for superconducting spintronics and spin qubits applications
Oleksandr Kyriienko (University of Exeter, UK) |
Quantum simulation and ground state preparation for the honeycomb Kitaev model
Francesco Libbi (EPFL, Switzerland) |
Phonon-assisted luminescence in qubits from many-body perturbation theory
Rafael Luque Merino (ICFO, Spain) |
Photodetection at telecom wavelengths using an exfoliated, 2D cuprate superconductor
Cathryn Michaels (University of Cambridge, UK) |
Quantum control of the tin-vacancy spin qubit in diamond
Pablo Antonio Moreno Casares (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) |
QFold: Quantum Walks and Deep Learning to Solve Protein Folding
Mikel Olano (Donostia International Physics Center, Spain) |
Moving electrons as spin qubits
Beatriz Pérez-González (Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM-CSIC), Spain) |
Topology detection in cavity QED
Francesc Perez-Murano (CSIC, Spain) |
Nanofabrication challenges and opportunities for the manufacturing of semiconductor spin qubits
Marko Petric (Technical University of Munich, Walter Schottky Institute, Germany) |
Optical Properties of Janus Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers WSSe and MoSSe
Esteban Rodriguez (Universidad de Chile, Chile) |
Spin-polarized tunable photocurrents
Alejandra Ruiz (FUNDACION TECNALIA, Spain) |
QUANTEK - Towards consolidated Quantum Technologies in Basque Country
Benjamin Schiffer (Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Germany) |
Adiabatic Spectroscopy and a Variational Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm
Vladyslav Usenko (Palacky University, Czech Republic) |
Modulation leakage vulnerability in continuous-variable quantum key distribution
JJ Miguel Varga (Materials Physics Center, Spain) |
Using spatio-temporal correlations for tuning the biphoton wavefunction
Carlos Vega (IFF - CSIC, Spain) |
Topological quantum optics for robust photon-mediated interactions
Jaka Vodeb (Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia) |
Quantum Domain Melting in an Electronic Crystal and Its Simulation with a Quantum Computer
Wen Wan (Donostia International Physics Center, Spain) |
Proximity effects on the charge density wave order and superconductivity in single-layer NbSe2
Junliang Wang (CNRS Institute Neel, France) |
Single-Electron Transport with Acousto-Electric Chirp Pulses for Quantum Applications
Simon Zihlmann (CEA Grenoble, France) |
Dispersively Probed Microwave Spectroscopy of a Silicon Hole Double Quantum Dot
David Zueco (CSIC-Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain) |
Quantum kernels to learn the phases of quantum matter
34/34 |
Poster size: A0 format (width: 841 mm x Height: 1189 mm) (Portrait). |
Posters Presentation: We recommend the poster presenters to stand in front of their poster in order to enhance fruitful discussions – designated time that the evaluators will pass by to discuss the work |
Posters Schedule: From Tuesday morning (November 23) to Thursday (November 25) just before lunch |
Other info: To each poster will be assigned a number. You will find double side tape directly on the panel to hang your poster |
Check the number assigned to your poster at the entrance of the exhibition and posters hall. |
** We would like to inform that abstracts won't be listed in the Imaginenano2021 booklet if the registration fee is not paid until Friday, October 29, 2021.** |
POSTERS (12) |
Fernando Aguilar-Galindo Rodríguez (DIPC, Spain) |
Ab Initio Description of the Photoionization of Graphene Under Laser Pulses
Felice Appugliese (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) |
Integer quantum Hall effect modified by a tunable cavity
Andrés Díez Carlón (ICFO, Spain) |
Magnetic Josephson Junctions and Superconducting Diodes in Magic Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene
Vid Eržen (Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia) |
Simulating transverse field Ising model in a random field using a quantum annealer
Ignacio Figueruelo (IMDEA Nanociencia, Spain) |
Towards a graphene-based Quantum Resistance Standard for metrological applications
David Lopez Nunez (IFAE (Institut de Física d´Altes Energies) / BSC (Barcelona Supercomputing Centre), Spain) |
One qubit as a Universal Approximant
Jon Ortuzar Andrés (MPC, Spain) |
Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in 2D superconductors with arbitrary Fermi contours
Ryan Parker (University of Cambridge, UK) |
Towards Measurements of the Optical Coherence of the SnV in Diamond
Sathish Kumar Rangaswamy Kuppuswamy (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) |
Predictive simulation of gate coupling strengths in a spin qubit device
Félix Raso (Centro Español de Metrología, Spain) |
EMPIR project COMET: Two dimensional lattices of covalent- and metal-organic frameworks for the Quantum Hall Resistance Standard
Christoph Rohrmeier (University Regensburg, Germany) |
Pseudospin resonances reveal synthetic spin-orbit interaction
Stefano Trivini (CICnanoGUNE (UPV), Spain) |
Magnetic Interaction Between Mn atoms on β-Bi2Pd Revealed by their Yu-Shiba-Rusinov States
11/12 |