The 2nd edition of the Quantum Matter International Conference – QUANTUMatter 2022 (Barcelona, Spain) – aims at gathering the various communities engaged in the science and technologies of quantum information and quantum matter, to foster the incubation of new ideas & collaborations at the forefront of quantum technologies, emerging quantum materials and novel generations of quantum communication protocols, quantum sensing and quantum simulation.
Quantum Information and Quantum Matter are two components of revolutionary treatments of information, which are becoming cornerstones for discovering and implementing disruptive paradigms in quantum computation and quantum technologies.
Charles Marcus
Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark |
Heike Riel
IBM Research, Switzerland |
Giulia Semeghini
Harvard University, USA |
Oktay Goktas
Agnostiq, Canada |
Christoph Stampfer
RWTH, Germany |
Marc Almendros
Keysight Technologies, Spain |