Tue 21 |
Thu 23 |
Chairperson: Sergio Valenzuela (ICN2, Spain) |
09:00-09:20 |
Ab initio approaches to nonequilibrium interactions in quantum matter |
Prineha Narang,
Harvard University, USA |
09:20-09:40 |
Light-matter quantum interfaces: A tale of two materials |
Mete Atature,
University of Cambridge, UK |
09:40-10:00 |
High-throughput simulations of topological materials |
Maia Vergniory,
Max Planck for Chemical Physics of Solids, Germany |
10:00-10:15 |
Charge to spin conversion in epitaxial 2D CrTe2/Bi2Te3 grown by MBE |
Athanasios Dimoulas,
10:15-10:30 |
Tunable Many-body Interactions and Induced Superconductivity in a Helical Luttinger Liquid |
Bent Weber,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
10:30-11:30 |
Coffee Break / Poster Session / Exhibition |
Chairperson: Ramon Aguado (ICMM/CSIC, Spain) |
11:30-11:50 |
Moiré Heterostructures, the realm of Quantum Materials |
Leni Bascones,
ICMM/CSIC, Spain |
11:50-12:05 |
Topological superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene |
Julien Barrier,
University of Manchester, UK |
12:05-12:20 |
Majorana bound states in encapsulated bilayer graphene |
Fernando Peñaranda,
Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales ICMM-CSIC, Spain |
12:20-12:35 |
Influence of disorder on vortex Majorana states in 3D topological insulators |
Jukka Vayrynen,
Purdue University, USA |
12:35-12:50 |
Van-der-Waals nano-photonics |
Panaiot Zotev,
University of Sheffield, UK |
12:50-13:10 |
Towards spin and valley qubits in graphene |
Christoph Stampfer,
RWTH, Germany |
Chairperson: Jordi Arbiol (ICREA/ICN2, Spain) |
09:15-09:30 |
Optical quantum computing with solid-states quantum light emitters |
Niccolo Somaschi,
Quandela, France |
09:30-09:45 |
Carbon nanotube spin qubit |
Matthieu Desjardins,
C12 Quantum Electronics, France |
09:45-10:00 |
At the intersection between quantum networking and quantum computing |
Carmen Palacios-Berraquero,
Nu Quantum, UK |
10:00-10:30 |
Quantum Computing – Prospects and Challenges |
Heike Riel,
IBM Research, Switzerland |
10:30-11:15 |
Coffee Break / Poster Session / Exhibition |
Chairperson: John Calsamiglia Costa (Universidad Aut?noma de Barcelona, Spain) |
11:15-11:45 |
Accelerating the Expedition to our Quantum Future with Quantum-Classical Control |
Yonatan Cohen,
Quantum Machines, Israel |
11:45-12:15 |
Fully-integrated control stacks for quantum
computing in the NISQ era |
Niels Bultink,
Qblox BV, The Netherlands |
12:15-12:45 |
High-performance Control Systems for State-of-the-art Quantum Computing |
Marc Almendros,
Keysight Technologies, Spain |
12:45-13:00 |
Quantum Computing at Google |
Sergio Boixo,
Google, USA |
13:00-13:15 |
Coherent Analogue Quantum Computing - beyond the paradigm of gate based quantum computing |
Daniel Szombati,
Qilimanjaro, Spain |
13:15-13:30 |
Useful Quantum Software for Today’s Processors |
Gianni Del Bimbo,
Multiverse Computing
, Spain |
13:30-14:30 |
Cocktail Lunch |
14:30-15:00 |
Poster Session 2 |
Chairperson: Alba Cervera Lierta (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain) |
14:30-14:45 |
Quantum Photonic processors |
Jelmer Renema,
Quix Quantum, The Netherlands |
14:45-15:00 |
Quantum evolution kernel: Machine learning on graphs with programmable arrays of qubits |
Loïc Henriet,
Pasqal, France |
15:00-15:15 |
HPC use cases for quantum computing |
Michael Marthaler,
HQS Quantum Simulations, Germany |
15:15-15:30 |
A QCCD trapped-ion quantum computer: the early days |
David Hayes,
Qantinuum, USA |
15:30-15:45 |
Quantum Natural Language Processing
& Compositional Intelligence |
Bob Coecke,
Cambridge Quantum / Quantinuum, UK |
15:45-16:45 |
Round Table Industrial Forum Moderator: Alba Cervera Lierta (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain) |
Chairperson: Xavier Oriols (UAB, Spain) |
15:00-15:10 |
Bell nonlocality is not sufficient for the security of standard device-independent quantum key distribution protocols |
Maria Balanzó-Juandó,
ICFO, Spain |
15:10-15:20 |
Low-noise quantum memory for quasi-deterministic single photons generated by Rydberg collective atomic excitations |
Jan Lowinski,
ICFO, Spain |
15:20-15:30 |
Carbon Nanostructures as Quantum Units |
Fanmiao Kong,
University of Oxford, UK |
15:30-15:40 |
On the superconducting critical temperature in multiband disordered LaAlO_3/SrTiO_3 interfaces |
Giulia Venditti,
CNR-SPIN, Area di Ricerca di Tor Vergata, Italy |
15:40-15:50 |
Qutrit Entanglement with Differential AC Stark Shift |
Noah Goss,
University of California, Berkeley, USA |
15:50-16:00 |
Complete device QND measurement tomography and applications to IBM-Q |
Luciano Pereira,
Instituto de Física Fundamental IFF-CSIC, Spain |
16:00-16:10 |
Universal control of a six-qubit quantum processor in silicon |
Stephan Philips,
TuDelft (QuTech), The Netherlands |
16:10-16:20 |
Experimental test of quantum causal influences |
Beatrice Polacchi,
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy |
16:20-16:30 |
Tunable unidirectional photon scattering from a pair of superconducting qubits |
Elena Redchenko,
IST Austria, Austria |
16:30-16:40 |
Towards Hole Spin Qubits in Strained Ge/SiGe Quantum-Well Heterostructures |
Gonzalo Troncoso Fernández-Bada,
CEA-Grenoble, France |
16:40-16:50 |
Topological phenomena in Josephson tunnel junction circuits |
Léo Peyruchat,
Collège de France, France |
Chairperson: Bruno Julia (Universidad de Barcelona, Spain) |
15:00-15:10 |
Deep Learning of Quantum Entanglement |
Dominik Koutny,
Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic |
15:10-15:20 |
Dynamical phase transitions in quantum reservoir computing |
Rodrigo Martínez-Peña,
IFISC, Spain |
15:20-15:30 |
Topological protection of squeezed light in a topological photonic lattice |
Joaquín Medina Dueñas,
Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (ICN2), Spain |
15:30-15:40 |
Enhancing Light Collection Efficiency due to WS2 Dielectric Nanoantennas on a Metallic Substrate |
Sam Randerson,
The University of Sheffield, UK |
15:40-15:50 |
The Quantum Coherence of Metal-functionalized Graphene Nanoribbons |
Karen Yan,
University of Oxford, UK |
15:50-16:00 |
Cavity QED with diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers formed by carbon implantation |
Viktoria Yurgens,
University of Basel, Switzerland |
16:00-16:10 |
Fast navigation of Rydberg atoms in Stark manifolds |
Sabrina Patsch,
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany |
16:10-16:20 |
Superconducting on-chip spectrometer for mesoscopic quantum system |
Joël Griesmar,
Ecole Polytechnique, France |
16:20-16:30 |
Probing quantum electromagnetic magnetic fields with subnanosecond time resolution: the single electron radar |
Hubert Souquet Basiege,
Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France |
16:30-16:40 |
Algebraic Bethe Circuits |
Diego García-Martín,
Technology Innovation Institute, United Arab Emirates |
16:40-16:50 |
Contextuality and memory cost of simulation of Majorana fermions |
Susane Calegari,
Center for Theoretical Physics, PAS, Poland |
16:50-17:15 |
Coffee Break / Poster Session / Exhibition |
Chairperson: Pablo Ordejon (ICN2, Spain) |
17:15-17:45 |
The European Quantum initiative: from a flagship to a fleet |
Tommaso Calarco,
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany |
17:45-18:05 |
French National Quantum Strategy |
Neil Abroug,
National Innovation Council, France |
18:05-18:15 |
Spanish Complementary Plan on Quantum Communications |
Ricardo Díez Muiño,
DIPC & CFM-CSIC, Spain |
18:15-18:25 |
IKUR Initiative |
Adolfo Morais Ezquerro,
Gobierno Vasco, Spain |
18:25-18:35 |
QTEP Initiative |
Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll,
IFF-CSIC, Spain |
18:35-18:45 |
Quantum Spain Initiative |
Alba Cervera-Lierta,
Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain |
Chairperson: Mete Atature (University of Cambridge, UK) - TBC |
17:15-17:25 |
Efficient generation of quantum light at telecom wavelength for long-distance secure communication and quantum network applications |
Andrea Barbiero,
Toshiba Europe Ltd, UK |
17:25-17:35 |
Building quantum networks of superconducting circuits mediated by telecom photons |
Steven Touzard,
National University of Singapore, Singapore |
17:35-17:45 |
Foundry-compatible fabrication processes for superconducting circuits |
Daniel Perez,
KU Leuven-IMEC, Belgium |
17:45-17:55 |
Hybrid quantum algorithms in computer vision for automated quality assessments |
Barry DeWayne Reese,
Capgemini, Germany |
17:55-18:15 |
Covalent: A tool for orchestrating large scale heterogeneous scientific workflows |
Oktay Goktas,
Agnostiq, Canada |
18:15-18:25 |
Integrated quantum control architecture for ultra-fast camera readout of neutral atom arrays |
Ramon Szmuk,
Quantum Machines, Denmark |
18:25-18:35 |
Chemistry-aware noise mitigation on molecular simulations for NISQ hardware |
David Muñoz Ramo,
Quantinuum, UK |
18:35-18:45 |
Development of the quantum processing units (QPUs) at IQM Finland Oy |
Wei Liu,
IQM Finland Oy, Finland |
21:00 Conference Dinner (Restaurant CAN CORTADA, Barcelona – Spain) - More info
Map - Stop metro Valldaura (line 3 - green) - 5 minutes walking |
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