All participants in person (418) | Only participants fully registered (payment processed) will appear listed below | |
Last Name |
First Name |
Institution |
Country |
Abadillo-Uriel | Jose Carlos | CEA Grenoble | France |
Achatz | Lukas | Quantum Technology Laboratories GmbH | Austria |
Ackerman | Nico | UAM | Spain |
Agarwal | Abhishek | National Physical Laboratory | UK |
Agresti | Iris | University of Vienna | Austria |
Aguado | Ramon | CSIC | Spain |
Agudelo Ospina | Elizabeth | TU Wien | Austria |
Aidelsburger | Monika | Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich | Germany |
Albareda | Guillermo | IDEADED SL | Spain |
Alcázar Guerrero | Pedro | ICN2 | Spain |
Almendros | Marc | Keysight Technologies | Spain |
Alvarez Velasquez | Juan Rafael | C2N | France |
Amado | Mario | University of Salamanca | Spain |
Amico | Luigi | Technology Innovation Institute | United Arab Emirates |
Anderson | Russell | Q-CTRL | Australia |
Ángel Ortega | Sergio | Complutense University of Madrid | Spain |
Angelakis | Dimitris | CQT Singapore and TU Crete | Singapore |
Anglès Castillo | Andreu | Universidad de Valencia | Spain |
Antón Solanas | Carlos | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Spain |
Antoniadis | Nadia | University of Basel | Switzerland |
Aparicio | Nicolas | CNRS | France |
Argemi | Àlex | ICN2 | Spain |
Arjona Martinez | Jesus | University of Cambridge | UK |
Arrazola | Inigo | TU Wien | Austria |
Arvidsson-Shukur | David | Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory | UK |
Azam | Pierre | Institute of Physics of Nice | France |
Babolat | Tsiry | Phantoms Foundation | Spain |
Balduque Picazo | José | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Spain |
Ban | Yue | Fundacion Tecnalia Research and Innovation | Spain |
Barragan | Daniel | University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
Barrier | Julien | University of Manchester | UK |
Bascones | Leni | ICMM-CSIC | Spain |
Bassi | Marion | CEA | France |
Beattie | Eduardo | ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences | Spain |
Belmonte López | Rogelio | GMV | Spain |
Bermudez | Alejandro | Instituto de Física Teórica, CSIC-UAM | Spain |
Bertaina | Gianluca | Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM) | Italy |
Bettermann | Oscar | Zurich Instruments | Switzerland |
Bhattacharjee | Anirban | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research | India |
Biazon | Rodrigo | Oxford Instruments NanoScience | France |
Blundell | Steven | CEA-Grenoble | France |
Bohmann | Martin | Quantum Technology Laboratories | Austria |
Bojovic | Petar | Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics | Germany |
Bolhuis | Maarten | Delft University of Technology | The Netherlands |
Bordoloi | Arunav | University of Maryland, College Park | USA |
Bothara | Gaurav | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research | India |
Botifoll | Marc | ICN2 | Spain |
Bourdoncle | Boris | Quandela | France |
Bouwes | Dominique | SaxonQ GmbH | Germany |
Braggio | Alessandro | NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR and Scuola Normale Superiore | Italy |
Brokkelkamp | Abel | Delft University of Technology | The Netherlands |
Bultrini | Daniel | University of Heidelberg | Germany |
Burset | Pablo | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Spain |
Busel | Oksana | University of Oulu | Finland |
Calderon | Maria Jose | CSIC | Spain |
Campos | Roberto | Universidad Complutense Madrid | Spain |
Canalella | Giorgio | National University of Singapore | Singapore |
Canivell | Victor | Qilimanjaro | Spain |
Capecelatro | Roberto | University of Naples "Federico II" | Italy |
Carmona Rufo | Pablo Guillermo | UAM | Spain |
Carosini | Lorenzo | University of Vienna | Austria |
Carrasco | Daniel | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | Spain |
Casal Iglesias | Ignacio | Universidad Autonoma de Madrid | Spain |
Castro | Omar | IQM Quantum Computers | Finland |
Catelani | Gianluigi | Technology Innovation Institute | United Arab Emirates |
Centrone | Federico | ICFO | Spain |
Cervera-Lierta | Alba | Barcelona Supercomputing Center | Spain |
Chee | Chong Hian | Centre for Quantum Technologies | Singapore |
Chen | Xi | University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU | Spain |
Choi | Deung-Jang | Centro de Física de Materiales (CSIC-UPV/EHU) | Spain |
Chow | Jerry | IBM | USA |
Chua | Wei Pin | National University of Singapore | Singapore |
Clavero Rubio | Miguel | UAM | Spain |
Cohen | Yonatan | Quantum Machines | Israel |
Colmenarez | Luis | RWTH Aachen | Germany |
Conde Angulo | Mª Almudena | IFIMAC | Spain |
Conesa Boj | Sonia | Delft University of Technology | The Netherlands |
Copetudo Espinosa | Adrian | Centre for Quantum Technologies | Singapore |
Correia | Antonio | Phantoms Foundation | Spain |
Cotallo | Eloy | CCN | Spain |
Crane | Eleanor | UMD/JQI/ NIST/ Quantinuum | USA |
Crescente | Alba | Università di Genova | Italy |
Crespo Antolín | Enrique | GMV | Spain |
Cuenca Gómez | Esperanza | Multiverse Computing | Spain |
Cykiert | Max | University of Surrey | UK |
Da Prato | Gaia | Delft University of Technology | The Netherlands |
Dancausa | Ignacio | APTIE | Spain |
De Carlo | Leonardo | Luiss Guido Carli di Roma | Italy |
de Franceschi | Silvano | CEA/UGA | France |
de Graaf | Stijn | Yale University | USA |
de la Iglesia | Fernando | Quside Technologies S.L. | Spain |
de Marti i Olius | Antonio | Tecnun - University of Navarra | Spain |
de Riedmatten | Hugues | ICFO | Spain |
De Teresa | Jose Maria | CSIC | Spain |
Dehn | Vanessa | Fraunhofer IAF | Germany |
del Canizo Nadal | Miguel | Bullnet Capital | Spain |
del Pie | Miguel | Rohde & Schwarz | Spain |
Del Vecchio | Patrick | Polytechnique Montreal | Canada |
Delamoreanu | Alexandru | Oxford Instruments NanoScience | France |
Desjardins | Pierre | C12 | France |
Di Bartolomeo | Giovanni | University of Trieste | Italy |
Di Benedetto | Enrico | Università degli Studi di Palermo | Italy |
Di Candia | Roberto | Aalto University | Finland |
Díaz | Francisco Javier | VASS | Spain |
Díaz Fernández | Álvaro | BBVA | Spain |
Díez-Valle | Pablo | Instituto de Física Fundamental (IFF-CSIC) | Spain |
Dijkema | Jurgen | QuTech/Delft University of Technology | The Netherlands |
Dowinton | Oliver | The University of Manchester | UK |
Draper | Thomas | Center for Communications Research at La Jolla | USA |
Durá Azorín | Blas | UAM | Spain |
Dvir | Tom | Delft University of Technology | The Netherlands |
Efthymiou Tsironi | Maria | University of Salento | Italy |
Ejima | Satoshi | German Aerospace Center | Germany |
Ekstrom | Linus | Honda Research Institute | Germany |
Ella | Lior | Quantum Machines | Israel |
Escribano | Samuel | Weizmann Institute of Science | Israel |
Escrig | Gabriel | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | Spain |
Esmann | Martin | Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg | Germany |
Espinós Martínez | Hilario | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | Spain |
Etxezarreta Martinez | Josu | Tecnun-University of Navarra | Spain |
Fauseweh | Benedikt | German Aerospace Center | Germany |
Fernández | Pablo | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | Spain |
Fernández Carbayo | Francisco | UAM | Spain |
Fernández de la Pradilla Viso | Diego | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Spain |
Fernández-Fernández | David | Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM-CSIC) | Spain |
Ferraro | Dario | University of Genova | Italy |
Filip | Radim | Palacky University | Czech Republic |
Filippone | Michele | CEA Grenoble | France |
Flipse | Eva | Qblox BV | The Netherlands |
Fregoni | Jacopo | Associate Editor / Communications Physics | Spain |
Fu | Pei-Hao | Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) | Singapore |
Fulgencio | Monica | CCN | Spain |
Fursina | Alexandra | University of Nebraska Lincoln | USA |
Gago-Encinas | Fernando | Freie Universitaet | Germany |
Galantini | Claudia | TU/e | The Netherlands |
Gamero | Lin Chang | ICN2 | Spain |
Ganz | Fulvio | E4 Computer Engineering | Italy |
Gao | Yvonne | NUS | Singapore |
García | Aida | Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) | Spain |
García Molina | Paula | Institute of fundamental physics | Spain |
García Pina | Daniel | Donostia International Physics Center | Spain |
García Ripoll | Juan José | IFF-CSIC | Spain |
Garcia-Gonzalo | Lluc | IDEADED | Spain |
Gemme | Giulia | Università di Genova | Italy |
Gessner | Manuel | University of Valencia | Spain |
Ghahari Kermani | Fereshte | George Mason University | USA |
Giavaras | Giorgos | CSIC | Spain |
Giedke | Géza | DIPC | Spain |
Gillard | George | aegiq | UK |
Giordano | Sara | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | Spain |
Giorgino | Francesco | University of Vienna | Austria |
Giusca | Cristina | National Physical Laboratory | UK |
Glaser | Niklas | Walther-Meißner-Institute | Germany |
Gómez | José Luis | Bullnet Capital | Spain |
Gómez Aguado | Daniel | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | Spain |
Gomez Garcia | Jaime | Santander | Spain |
Gómez León | Álvaro | CSIC | Spain |
Gómez Torres | Hugo | Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology | Spain |
Gonzalez Bosca | Vicente | CSIC | Spain |
Gonzalez-Tudela | Alejandro | Instituto de Fisica Fundamental-CSIC | Spain |
Greco | Virginia | ICN2 | Spain |
Grilo | André | University of Lisbon | Portugal |
Groiseau | Caspar | UAM | Spain |
Gundín Martínez | Manuel | C2N (CNRS) | France |
Han | Lin | Delft University of Technology | The Netherlands |
Heikkinen | Jani | IQM | Finland |
Hernández Antón | Alonso | CSIC - Universidad de Zaragoza | Spain |
Hernandez Vera | Mario | Leibniz-Rechenzentrum | Germany |
Hernánz Zájara | Javier | REPSOL | Spain |
Hesssenauer | Jannis | Karlsruhe Institute for Technology | Germany |
Hosseinkhani | Amin | IQM Quantum Computers | Germany |
Hsiao | Tzu-Kan | QuTech, TU Delft | The Netherlands |
Hsing | Chia-Wei | National Taiwan University | Spain |
Huerga | Daniel | University of British Columbia | Canada |
Huet | Helio | C2N | France |
Iancu | Costin | LBNL | USA |
Ibabe Aviles | Angel | UAM | Spain |
Ilyn | Maxim | Centro de Física de Materiales CSIC-UPV/EHU | Spain |
Imeri | Donika | Center for Optical Quantum Technologies | Germany |
Janse van Rensburg | Deon | Eindhoven University of Technology | The Netherlands |
Jaramillo Pazmiño | Alejandro | CSUC | Spain |
Jopling | Daniel | IOP Publishing | UK |
Jorba | Pau | kiutra GmbH | Germany |
Kalyoncu | Yemliha Bilal | Qblox BV | The Netherlands |
Katsaros | Georgios | IST Austria | Austria |
Khatibi | Zahra | Trinity College Dublin | Ireland |
Kienhoefer | Richard | Qureca | Spain |
Kim | Eun-Ah | Cornell University | USA |
Kim | Panjin | The Affiliated Institute of ETRI | South Korea |
Kirste | Moritz | Zurich Instruments AG | Switzerland |
Klar | Leonhard | VDI Technologiezentrum | Germany |
Kleine | Mélissa | Université de Bordeaux | France |
Klinovaja | Jelena | University of Basel | Switzerland |
Koelling | Sebastian | Polytechnique Montreal | Canada |
Kononov | Artem | University of Basel | Switzerland |
Krivenkov | Victor | University of the Basque Country and Centro de Fisica de Materiales | Spain |
Krueger | Andreas | SUSS MicroTec Solutions GmbH&Co. KG | Germany |
Kulikov | Anatoly | ETH Zurich | Switzerland |
Kun | Daniel | University of Vienna | Austria |
Kutchinsky | Jonatan | Quantum Machines | Denmark |
Labián | Alícia | Qilimanjaro | Spain |
Lauret | Jean-Sébastien | ENS Paris Saclay | France |
Leandro | Lorenzo | Quantum Machines | Israel |
Leclerc | Lucas | LCF - PASQAL | France |
Lednev | Maksim | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) | Spain |
Lee | Eduardo | IFIMAC / UAM | Spain |
Lee | Hochang | The Affiliated Institute of ETRI | South Korea |
Levy Yeyati | Alfredo | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Spain |
Lewenstein | Maciej | ICFO/ICREA | Spain |
Lopez | Esperanza | CSIC-Instituto de Fisica Teorica | Spain |
López Baños | Sergio | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) | Germany |
Lopez Gonzalo | Rosa | Universidad de les Illes Balears | Spain |
Lorente | Eduardo | CCN | Spain |
Lorente | Nicolás | Centro de Física de Materiales CSIC | Spain |
Loss | Daniel | University of Basel | Switzerland |
Luis | Fernando | UNIZAR | Spain |
Lukin | Mikhail | Harvard University | USA |
Lupo | Elena | University of Surrey | UK |
Mackoit-Sinkeviciene | Mažena | Vilnius University, Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy | Lithuania |
Maillette de Buy Wenniger | Ilse | C2N, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay | France |
Mak | Adrian M | Institute of High Performance Computing, Agency for Science, Technology and Research | Singapore |
Makarov | Antón | GMV | Spain |
Makaryan | Taron | Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. | Japan |
Mao | Yuncheng | Université Paris Cité | France |
Márquez Romero | Antonio | University of Barcelona | Spain |
Martín | Eva | Qilimanjaro | Spain |
Martin Cano | Diego | IFIMAC, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Spain |
Martín Vázquez | Gonzalo | University of Oulu | Finland |
Martinez | Jose | Quside Technologies S.L. | Spain |
Martinez Romeral | Jorge | ICN2 | Spain |
Martínez-García | Miguel Ángel | Autonomous University of Madrid | Spain |
Martini | Mickey | IFW-Dresden | Germany |
Martiradonna | Luigi | Riverlane | UK |
Matute-Cañadas | Francisco Jesús | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Spain |
Meguebel | Mohamed | Universite Paris Saclay | France |
Mehew | Jake Dudley | ICN2 | Spain |
Mercebach | Phillip | UAM | Spain |
Mezzacapo | Fabio | CNRS LPENSL | France |
Michel | Antoine | Institut d´optique/EDF | France |
Midha | Siddhant | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India |
Minev | Zlatko | IBM Quantum | USA |
Moraes Oliveira | Gabriel | Autonomous University of Madrid | Spain |
Morcuende Cantador | David | Mahou-Sanmiguel | Spain |
Mordarski | Marcel | University of Cambridge | UK |
Moreno Fdez. de Leceta | Aitor | Ibermática | Spain |
Morozova | Elizaveta | TU Delft | The Netherlands |
Möttönen | Mikko | Aalto University | Finland |
Muiño | Ricardo | DIPC & CFM-CSIC | Spain |
Muñoz | Enrique | Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile | Chile |
Muñoz Amorín | Segundo | SMA-SUSS MICROTEC | Spain |
Muñoz de las Heras | Alberto | Instituto de Física Fundamental IFF (CSIC) | Spain |
Muñoz Navarro | Julia | Qblox BV | The Netherlands |
Muñoz Ortiz | Eduardo | SMA - SUSS MICROTEC | Spain |
Najera | Baldo | Laboratoire Kastler Brossel | France |
Narros | Conchi | Phantoms Foundation | Spain |
Nayak | Chetan | Microsoft Research | USA |
Nebrera Cuevas | Carlos | UNIR | Spain |
Nguyen | Giang N. | University of Basel | Switzerland |
Nikitin | Artem | Delft Circuits | The Netherlands |
Nikitski | Ivan | EPIC European Photonics Industry Consortium | France |
Nogales | Emilio | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | Spain |
Oliva del Moral | Javier | Universidad de Navarra | Spain |
Oliveira | Rita | Single Quantum | The Netherlands |
Oliver | William | MIT | USA |
Orellana | Pedro | Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María | Chile |
Ovenden | Charlotte | aegiq | UK |
Páez Velasco | Pablo | ICMAT / UCM | Spain |
Pally | Alessia | University of Basel | Switzerland |
Panadero | Ivan | Arquimea Reseach Center - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | Spain |
Pareja Monturio | José Ramón | UCM | Spain |
Parmar | Jemish | IDEADED SL | Spain |
Parra-Rodriguez | Adrian | CSIC | Spain |
Parrado | Pedro | IQM Quantum Computers | Finland |
Pascual Estarellas | Marta | Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech | Spain |
Patange | Himanshu | Laboratoire Kastler Brossel | France |
Payá Herrero | Carlos | ICMM | Spain |
Perán Fernández | José Luis | VASS | Spain |
Pereira | Luciano | Instituto de Física Fundamental IFF-CSIC | Spain |
Pérez González | Beatriz | Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM-CSIC) | Spain |
Pérez Guijarro | Jordi | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | Spain |
Perez Perez | Ruben | UAM | Spain |
Perez-Murano | Francesc | IMB-CNM,CSIC | Spain |
Pérez-Salinas | Adrián | Leiden University | The Netherlands |
Pertsova | Anna | Springer Nature | Germany |
Petit | Damien | SET CORPORATION | France |
Petrescu | Alexandru | Centre Automatique et Systemes, Ecole des Mines | France |
Piattini Velthuis | Mario Gerardo | Universidad de Castilla La Mancha | Spain |
Pietikäinen | Iivari | Palacký University | Czech Republic |
Pino González | Daniel Michel | Materials Science Institute of Madrid (ICMM-CSIC) | Spain |
Pinto | Armando | Instituto de Telecomunicações | Portugal |
Pinto | Francisco | Deimos Engenharia | Portugal |
Pinto | Ivan | ICN2 | Spain |
Pita-Vidal | Marta | QuTech (TU Delft) | The Netherlands |
Planz | Eric | Niels Bohr Institute / Center for Hybrid Quantum Networks | Denmark |
Platero | Gloria | ICMM-CSIC | Spain |
Plekhanov | Evgeny | Cambridge Quantum Computing | UK |
Polacchi | Beatrice | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy |
Pont | Mathias | C2N | France |
Pop | Ioan | KIT | Germany |
Porras Torre | Diego | Institute of Fundamental Physics, CSIC | Spain |
Postema | Jasper | TU Eindhoven | The Netherlands |
Pozas | Alejandro | UCM | Spain |
Prokopiou | Georgia | Quantinuum | UK |
Puig | Eduard | IDEADED SL | Spain |
Quazi | Adnan | Hamamatsu Venture Capital | UK |
Ramesh | Prashant | C2N | France |
Ramos | Tomas | IFF-CSIC Madrid | Spain |
Rasola | Miika | Aalto University | Finland |
Rech | Jerome | Centre de Physique Théorique | France |
Reina | Carmen | Orange | Spain |
Reiner | Jonathan | Quantum Machines | Israel |
Rey | Ana Maria | JILA | USA |
Riedinger | Ralf | Universität Hamburg | Germany |
Rivas | Jose ALejandro | CCN | Spain |
Roca-Jerat | Sebastián | Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA - CSIC) | Spain |
Roche | Stephan | ICREA / ICN2 | Spain |
Rodríguez Alcaraz | Angel | UCM | Spain |
Rodriguez-Pardo Montblanch | Alejandro | TU Delft/QuTech | The Netherlands |
Roldan | Jose Luis | Phantoms Foundation | Spain |
Rollano | Victor | University of Science and Technology of China | China |
Romero | Jose Luis | UCM | Spain |
Rosales | Luis | Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María | Chile |
Roscilde | Tommaso | Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon | France |
Rosen | Ilan | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | USA |
Roushan | Pedram | Google Inc | USA |
Roverc´h | Erwan | ENS-PSL | France |
Rozgonyi | Áron | Wigner Research Centre for Physics | Hungary |
Rucker | Felix | kiutra GmbH | Germany |
Ruiz Gil | Roberto | IFT | Spain |
Ryu | Sungguen | Instituto de Física Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos | Spain |
Sabonis | Deividas | IBM Research Europe – Zurich | Switzerland |
Sagaseta Pagan | Carlos | ICMM-CSIC | Spain |
Salavrakos | Alexia | Quandela | France |
Salomonson | Art Wertheim | Delft Circuits | The Netherlands |
Salunkhe | Kishor Vijay | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai | India |
Sánchez | Javier | Cenits | Spain |
Sánchez | Rafael | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Spain |
Sanchez Diaz | Angel | SILO | Spain |
Sánchez Ibáñez | Enrique | UCM | Spain |
Sánchez Martínez | Carlos José | UAM | Spain |
Sánchez Muñoz | Carlos | UAM-IFIMAC | Spain |
Sanchez Portal | Daniel | Centro de Fisica de Materiales CSIC-UPV/EHU | Spain |
Sánchez Velázquez | Jose Manuel | IFT UAM/CSIC | Spain |
Santiró | Júlia | ICN2 | Spain |
Santos | Jorge Tiago | IQM Quantum Computers | Finland |
Santra | Gopal Chandra | Heidelberg University (Germany) and University of Trento (Italy) | Germany |
Sardinero Sanchez | Ignacio | IFIMAC, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Spain |
Sarpkaya | Ibrahim | Bilkent University | Turkey |
Sayrin | Clément | Laboratoire Kastler Brossel | France |
Scappucci | Giordano | TU Delft | The Netherlands |
Scharfhausen | Jaime | UAM | Spain |
Schmieg | Rebecca | Quantop - NBI - UCPH | Denmark |
Schneider | Jan | IFF-CSIC | Spain |
Seelen | Rik | Qblox BV | The Netherlands |
Segal | Yannick | Quantum Machines | Israel |
Senellart-Mardon | Pascale | C2N-CNRS-Université Paris Saclay | France |
Seoane Souto | Rubén | ICMM-CSIC | Spain |
Serra | Llorenç | IFISC | Spain |
Sierra | German | Instituto de Fisica Teorica UAM-CSIC | Spain |
Simic-Milosevic | Violeta | SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH | Germany |
Skurativska | Anastasiia | Donostia International Physics Center | Spain |
Solana | Albert | Qilimanjaro | Spain |
Somaschi | Niccolo | Quandela SAS | France |
Soto Garrido | Rodrigo | Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile | Chile |
Soukaras | Christos | Delft University of Technology | The Netherlands |
Stárek | Robert | Palacký University | Czech Republic |
Stas | Pieter-Jan | Harvard University | USA |
Steffensen | Gorm Ole | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Spain |
Stramma | Alexander | University of Cambridge | UK |
Suarez | Tanya | Bluspecs | Spain |
Sutula | Madison | Harvard University | USA |
Szmuk | Ramon | Quantum Machines | Israel |
Tabares | Cristian | Institute of Fundamental Physics (IFF-CSIC) | Spain |
Tanatar | Bilal | Bilkent University | Turkey |
Thomas | Sarah | Imperial College London | UK |
Tomarchio | Flavia | Constructor Group | Switzerland |
Toninelli | Costanza | Istituto Nazionale di Ottica, CNR-INO | Italy |
Trbovic | Jelena | Zurich Instruments | Switzerland |
Tulewicz | Patrycja | Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan | Poland |
Ugurlu | Asli Dilara | Quantum Machines | Denmark |
Urunuela | Jose Eduardo | University of Bonn, Institute of Applied Physics | Germany |
Usenko | Vladyslav | Palacky University | Czech Republic |
Usuki | Shigeki | New Frontier Capital International Co.,Ltd | Japan |
Uzun | Yigitcan | Qblox BV | The Netherlands |
Vadimov | Vasilii | Aalto University | Finland |
Valcarcel | Ursula | CCN | Spain |
Valenzuela | Sergio | ICN2 | Spain |
Valerio | Benedetta | Single Quantum | The Netherlands |
van Driel | David | QuTech/Delft University of Technology | The Netherlands |
van Heijst | Sabrya | Delft University of Technology | The Netherlands |
van Herk | Rik | University of Technology Eindhoven | The Netherlands |
Vasinka | Dominik | Palacky University Olomouc | Czech Republic |
Vieira | Margarida | Deimos Engenharia | Portugal |
Vignoli | Louis | Pasqal | France |
Vincent | Estelle | UGA, CEA | France |
Viñas Martínez | Pablo | Instituto de Física Teórica | Spain |
Vischi | Michele | University of Trieste | Italy |
Vivas-Viaña | Alejandro | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Condensed Matter Physics Center (IFIMAC) | Spain |
Vizzuso | Mara | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | Italy |
Vora | Patrick | George Mason University | USA |
Wallner | Florian | Walther-Meißner-Institut | Germany |
Wang | Xin | City University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong SAR |
Wang | Yihua | Technische Universität Dortmund | Germany |
Wengerowsky | Soeren | ICFO | Spain |
Wesdorp | Jaap | Delft university of technology | The Netherlands |
Witte | Tom | N/A | USA |
Wolf | Christoph | Center for Quantum Nanoscience | South Korea |
Xu | Wenchao | ETH Zurich, Institute for Quantumelectronics | Switzerland |
Yadav | Chadr Shekhar | Indian Institute of Technology Mandi | India |
Yan | Binghai | Weizmann Institute of Science | Israel |
Yang | Anbang | National University of Singapore | Singapore |
Younis | Ed | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | USA |
Yu | Yong | TU Delft | The Netherlands |
Yurgens | Viktoria | University of Basel | Switzerland |
Zhang | Jian | Empa | Switzerland |
Zhang | Jingfu | TU-Dortmund | Germany |
Zia | Danilo | Sapienza - università di Roma | Italy |
Zivari | Parsa | Delft University of Technology | The Netherlands |
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