Following the success of last year edition, the INDUSTRIAL FORUM will be presenting during 2 days (May 08 & 09) the most recent advances in technology developments and business opportunities in quantum computing commercialization. Key industrial representatives will share their market vision and business opportunities, while selected talks from industrial exhibitors will present commercial showcases in all current market fields of Quantum Computing products..
If you already have a Conference or Exhibition Pass, attendance to the Industrial Forum is included.
Session sponsored by BasQ-IBM
This session will show the progress on joint collaborative projects involving quantum computing between Basque researchers and IBM researchers. The contributions in the session will be related to the development of error mitigation techniques as well as quantum kernel methods to compute dynamical problems and identification of special features in materials sciences. |
INVITED Industrial Forum |
Yonatan Cohen |
Quantum Machines |
Israel |
INVITED Industrial Forum |
Alexandre Dauphin |
France |
INVITED Industrial Forum |
Pau Jorba |
Kiutra |
Germany |
INVITED Industrial Forum |
Yemliha Bilal Kalyoncu |
Qblox BV |
The Netherlands |
INVITED Industrial Forum |
Samira Nik |
European Innovation Council (EIC) |
Belgium |
INVITED Industrial Forum |
Roman Orus |
Multiverse Computing & DIPC |
Spain |
|  |
INVITED Industrial Forum |
Claudius Riek |
Zurich Instruments |
Switzerland |
INVITED Industrial Forum |
Anurag Saha Roy |
Qruise |
Germany |
INVITED Industrial Forum |
Felice Francesco Tafuri |
Keysight Technologies |
INVITED Industrial Forum |
Jelena Trbovic |
QuantrolOx |
Finland |
KEYNOTES/INVITED - Industrial Forum |
James S. Clarke (Intel, USA) |
Spin Qubits produced with a 300mm fabrication line: An update on Intel Si/SiGe devices
Yonatan Cohen (Quantum Machines, Israel) |
Quantum advantage via Classical Control
Alexandre Dauphin (PASQAL , France) |
Exploring quantum materials with a neutral atom processor
Artur Ekert (University of Oxford / Centre for Quantum Technologies, NUS, UK / Singapore) |
The Age of Computation is yet to Come
Jay M. Gambetta (IBM, USA) |
Quantum Computing at the Utility Scale and
Pau Jorba (Kiutra, Germany) |
ADR based sub-Kelvin cryostats for applied quantum technologies
Yemliha Bilal Kalyoncu (Qblox BV, The Netherlands) |
Integrated and Scalable Quantum Control
Samira Nik (European Innovation Council (EIC), Belgium) |
EIC Quantum Tech Portfolio and Activities
Roman Orus (Multiverse Computing & DIPC, Spain) |
Multiverse Computing: Quantum and Quantum-Inspired AI and Beyond
Claudius Riek (Zurich Instruments, Switzerland) |
Enabling Quantum Technology - from individual devices to 100s of qubits
Anurag Saha Roy (Qruise, Germany) |
Improving flux-based gates in superconducting QPUs through model learning of qubit and control stack parameters
Felice Francesco Tafuri (Keysight Technologies, USA) |
Accelerating the Quantum Workflow from Design to Experiments
Jelena Trbovic (QuantrolOx, Finland) |
Accelerating the Development of Quantum Computers through Automation
ORALS - Industrial Forum |
Fabio Ansaloni (Quantum Machines, Denmark)
Hermetic packaging for cryogenic experiments
Nadia Belabas (CNRS - C2N, France)
A frequency network through parallel processing of frequency-bin entangled photons from a 21 GHz SOI micro-resonator
Alexandra Bernasconi (QphoX, The Netherlands)
An integrated microwave-to-optics interface for scalable quantum computing
Sorin Bolos (Transilvania Quantum, Romania)
Vulnerabilities of the Reset Operation on Superconducting Qubits
Gianni Casonato (EUMETSAT, Germany)
Pseudo-Qubit Modelling - Enabling Large Scale Application Simulations
Pasquale Cilibrizzi (Heriot-Watt University, UK)
Ultra-narrow inhomogeneous spectral distribution of telecom-wavelength vanadium centres in isotopically enriched silicon carbide
Nikolai Drobotun (Delft Circuits B.V., The Netherlands)
Flexible stripline I/O with embedded filtering: scalable signal delivery platform with proven qubit performance
Gertjan Eenink (QuTech and Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), The Netherlands)
Scaling spin qubit devices: vertical interconnects through Al2O3
Andreas Fyrillas (Quandela, France)
High-Fidelity Quantum Information with Machine Learning-Characterized SiN Photonic Circuits
Oscar Gargiulo (Kiutra GmbH, Germany)
Accelerating resonator spectroscopy using microwave pulses
Miguel Fernando Gonzalez-Zalba (Quantum Motion, UK)
Coherent control and large-scale characterisation of silicon quantum devices fabricated using 300-mm wafer processes
Carlos Kuchkovsky (qcentroid, Spain)
Quantum Operations and Business Innovation: Leveraging Sustainability and Energy Efficiency for Accelerated Impact
Deep Lall (National Physical Laboratory, UK)
Characterising frequency fluctuations in superconducting qubits
Alessandro Laneve (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
Polarization-wavevector correlation in entangled photons from cavity-embedded quantum dots
Izaskun Oregui Bravo (TECNALIA, Spain)
Quantum for Logistics: solving real-world bin packing and package delivery routing problems using quantum annealers
Mathias Pont (Quandela, France)
A versatile single-photon-based quantum computing platform
Arnau Riera (Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech, Spain)
Variational diabatic annealing schedules with Landau-Zener-Stückelberg interference
Alexia Salavrakos (Quandela, France)
SPOQC: a Spin-Optical Quantum Computing architecture
Hans Werner Schumacher (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany)
Optimized semiconductor single electron pumps for metrology and quantum technology
Thijs Stavenga (Quantware, The Netherlands)
Look-up table based fast tune-up of superconducting quantum processors
ORALS - BasQ/IBM Session |
Elisa Bäumer (IBM Research Zurich, Switzerland)
Quantum Fourier Transform using Dynamic Circuits
Juan Borge (Mondragon University, Spain)
Error estimation in current noisy quantum computers
David Casanova (DIPC, Spain)
Physically motivated enhancements of variational quantum eigensolvers for quantum chemistry
Francesco Di Marcantonio (University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain)
Quantum Many-Body phase diagram characterization using Fidelity-based Kernels
Rubén Esteban Llorente (Centro de Física de Materiales, Spain)
Quantum computation of the dynamics of the Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian for nanophotonics
Josu Etxezarreta Martinez (Tecnun - University of Navarra, Spain)
Projected Lindblad dynamics via Hamiltonian symmetries for Quantum Error Mitigation
Nathan Keenan (IBM Dublin, Ireland)
Evidence of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang scaling on a digital quantum simulator
William Kirby (IBM Quantum, USA)
Diagonalizing large many-body systems on a quantum processor using quantum Krylov
Nicolas Lorente (Materials Physics Center, Spain)
Localisation, Thermalisation and Time Crystals: Quantum Simulations of Disorder
Antonio Mezzacapo (IBM , USA)
Chemistry Beyond the Reach of Exact Solutions of the Schroedinger Equation on a Quantum-centric Supercomputer
Roman Orus (Multiverse Computing & DIPC , Spain)
News on Variational Quantum Machine Learning
Niall Robertson (IBM Quantum, Ireland)
Approximate Quantum Compiling for Quantum Simulation: A Tensor network based approach
Eric Switzer (Donostia International Physics Center, Spain)
Quasi-2D Time Crystals on NISQ Hardware: Challenges & Opportunities
Sergiy Zhuk (IBM Quantum, IBM Research Europe -Dublin, Ireland)
Trotter error bounds and dynamic multi-product formulas for Hamiltonian simulation
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