Poster size: A0 format (width: 841 mm x Height: 1189 mm) (Portrait). |
Posters Presentation: We recommend the poster presenters to stand in front of their poster in order to enhance fruitful discussions |
Posters Schedule:
Session 1: POSTERS SET UP: May 07 (Tuesday) – before the first coffee break // POSTERS DISMANTLING: May 08 (Wednesday) – after the morning coffee break
Session 2: POSTERS SET UP: May 08 (Wednesday) – after the morning coffee break // POSTERS DISMANTLING: May 09 (Thursday) – After the afternoon coffee break. All posters should be removed within 1 hour after the coffee break. Any question, please contact organisers onsite
Other info: To each poster will be assigned a number. You will find double side tape in the registration desk to hang your poster. |
Check the number assigned to your poster at the entrance of the exhibition and posters hall. |
** We would like to inform that abstracts won't be listed in the QUANTUMatter 2024 booklet if the registration fee is not paid until Monday, April 08, 2024. ** |
POSTERS Session I (95) |
1 |
Cindy Lorena Acevedo (University of Valladolid, Spain) |
Coherent Manipulation of a Binary Atomic System with Gain
74 |
Andoni Agirre (DIPC, Spain) |
Learning QAOA landscapes: Monte Carlo Tree Search with Iterative Search-space Restriction for Parameter Optimization
57 |
Francisco Borja Aguirre Yagüe (FUNDACION CTC, Spain) |
Use of harmless NADES for modulating luminescent properties of N-doped graphene quantum dots
2 |
Jesús Matías Alcaine Cuervo (UPV-EHU/BCMaterials, Spain) |
Symmetry-protected gates on superconducting circuits
58 |
Pedro Alcazar Guerrero (Institut Catala de Nanociencia i Nanotecnologia (ICN2), Spain) |
Disorder induced delocalization in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene
3 |
Desislava Atanasova (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria) |
Novel 3D circuit QED architecture for quantum information processing
4 |
Adam Bednorz (University of Warsaw, Poland) |
Testing dimension by a null witness
5 |
Maria Benito (IMB-CNM, Spain) |
Towards reduced dielectric losses in superconducting quantum circuits
83 |
Sourav Biswas (DIPC, Spain) |
A study on the effect of ring exchange interaction in a two-leg Bose-Hubbard ladder
Late 3 |
Ivan A. Bocanegra-Garay (Universidad de Valladolid, Spain) |
Control of a qubit by means of a Classical field: The driven Jaynes-Cummings model
6 |
A. Mert Bozkurt (TU Delft, The Netherlands) |
Tailoring arbitrary energy-phase relationships using Josephson tunnel junctions
59 |
David Caldevilla-Asenjo (Materials Physics Center, Spain) |
Growth of AlOx tunnelling barriers via oxidation of Al in thermalized atomic oxygen atmosphere
7 |
Yuanbo Chen (The University of Tokyo, Japan) |
Exploring indefinite causal order in the development of quantum batteries
8 |
Davide Cugini (Università degli studi di Pavia, Italy) |
Exponential optimization of quantum state preparation via adiabatic thermalization
84 |
Aron W. Cummings (Institut Catala de Nanociencia i Nanotecnologia (ICN2), Spain) |
Hot electron dynamics in graphene – a linear-scaling atomistic approach
9 |
Julian Daser (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria) |
Control of Collective Dark States in Waveguide QED
10 |
Reza Dastbasteh (Tecnun, University of Navarra, Spain) |
Additive twisted codes: new distance bounds and infinite families of quantum codes
11 |
Antonio de Marti i Olius (Tecnun - University of Navarra, Spain) |
The closed-branch decoder for quantum LDPC codes
75 |
Elena Desdentado (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain) |
Studying the relationship of the quantum software and the energy consumption and success ratio
12 |
Gábor Drótos (HUN-REN Institute for Nuclear Research, Hungary) |
Certifying a complex qubit Hilbert space in a prepare-and-measure scenario: how self-testing helps
86 |
Dzhavid Dzhavadzade (University of Stuttgart, Germany) |
Nuclear spin - photon entanglement on NV center for Quantum Repeater applications
48 |
Shayan Edalatmanesh (DIPC, Spain) |
Exotic electronic states in borylated graphene nanoribbons on a metallic substrate
81 |
Leonard Edens (nanoGUNE, Spain) |
Spin and charge control of topological end states in exchange biased chiral graphene nanoribbons
60 |
Sofia Ferreira Teixeira (CIC nanoGUNE, Spain) |
Unconventional charge transport nonreciprocity in the superconductor ZrTe3
13 |
Julian Ferreiro-Velez (Tecnalia-UPV/EHU, Spain) |
Shortcuts for Adiabatic and Variational Algorithms in Molecular Simulation
61 |
Ulderico Filippozzi (Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, The Netherlands) |
Enhanced Superconducting Fluctuations in Two- Dimensional Oxide Superconductor
62 |
Thomas Frederiksen (DIPC, Spain) |
Crossed graphene nanoribbons for electron quantum optics and spintronics
14 |
Mikel Garcia de Andoin (Tecnalia-UPV/EHU, Spain) |
Extensions of Digital-Analog Quantum Computation
63 |
David García Pons (Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA), Spain) |
Experimental study of GdW10 and GdW30 molecular magnets
64 |
Jaime Garrido Aldea (Institut Catala de Nanociencia i Nanotecnologia (ICN2), Spain) |
Development of an automated workflow for well converged DFT calculations using SIESTA and the AIIDA infrastructure satisfying FAIR data principles
49 |
Jakub Garwola (University of Toronto, Canada) |
Spin impurity in interaction with multiple baths via non-commuting coupling operators: An analytic approach
65 |
Madhura Ghosh Dastidar (Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India) |
Random number generation using single photon emitters embedded in nanopillars
50 |
Sabhyata Gupta (Institut für Theoretische Physik, Leibniz University, Germany) |
Simulation of a Rohksar-Kivelson ladder on a NISQ device
66 |
Jabir Hakami (Jazan University, Saudi Arabia) |
Quantum Emitter-Mediated Robust Chirality in the Vicinity of Nanophotonic Waveguide
15 |
Panyu Hou (IIIS, Tsinghua University, China) |
Non-destructive measurement of trapped-ion mechanical oscillators
87 |
Mengyao Hu (Leiden University, The Netherlands) |
Optimizing Bell Inequalities via Tensor Network Contractions in Tropical Algebra
90 |
Donika Imeri (Universität Hamburg, Germany) |
Photonically Connected Nuclear Spin Microprocessors
16 |
Ioannis Karapatzakis (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) |
Coherent control of Tin-Vacancy centers in diamond using superconducting waveguides at 50 mK
67 |
Matyas Kocsis (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary) |
Nanosecond switching of gate controlled supercurrent in an Al/InAs nanowire
17 |
Nikola David Komericki (Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics (IAF), Germany) |
2K, 300mm Wafer Level Characterization of Josephson Junctions for Transmon Qubits
91 |
Kerim Köster (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) |
A cavity-enhanced spin-photon interface for color centers in diamond
68 |
Wenjun Kuang (National Innovation Institute of Defense Technology, China) |
Magnetization Signature of Topological Surface States in a Nonsymmorphic Superconductor
18 |
Tobias Kuhn (University of Augsburg, Germany) |
Hybrid qubits in Kitaev chains
Late 1 |
Kuldeep Kuldeep (Aalto University, Finland) |
Quantum Phase transition in proximity induced superconducting Palladium/WTe2 junction
69 |
Susmit Kumar (Justervesenet, Norway) |
Quantum anomalous Hall effect materials and devices for metrology: An EPM project
19 |
Adesh Kushwaha (The University of Sydney, Australia) |
Demonstrating Quantum Enhancement in Light-Harvesting Systems
51 |
Sebastian Leontica (University College London, UK) |
Entanglement growth from squeezing on the matrix product state manifold
20 |
Dylan Lewis (University College London, UK) |
Geodesic Algorithm for Unitary Gate Design with Time-Independent Hamiltonians
21 |
Fernando Luis (INMA, CSIC, Spain) |
Two-qubit [Dy2] molecules deposited into micro-SQUID susceptometers: in situ characterization of their spin response
70 |
Sergio Martínez-Losa del Rincón (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain) |
Enhancing MUMAX3 software for Magnon-Cavity Interactions
76 |
Javier Mas Sole (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain) |
Hamiltonian Forging of a Thermofield Double
92 |
Morteza Moradi (University of Warsaw, Poland) |
Maximally Violation of Local Realism Using Optical Hybrid Entanglement
71 |
Gabriel Moraes Oliveira (Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain) |
Switching currents limited by the inverse proximity effect in a flux-tunable superconductor
77 |
David Munoz Ramo (Quantinuum PLC, UK) |
Experimental realization of the cumulant expansion of the Lanczos Method for the calculation of Green’s functions
22 |
Mariamo Mussa Juane (CESGA, Spain) |
QAOA ansatz and differential evolution for quantum molecular comparison
52 |
Gabriele Natale (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) |
Bragg-spectroscopy of a dissipation-induced instability in an atom-cavity system
23 |
Javier Oliva (UNAV, Spain) |
Modelling Leakage with Perturbation Theory in Singlet-Triplet Spin Qubits
24 |
Ana Palacios de Luis (Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech, Spain) |
Addressing the scalability of quantum annealing of classical problems
78 |
Siddhartha Patra (Donostia International Physics Center, Spain) |
Efficient tensor network simulation of IBM’s largest quantum processors
25 |
Simon Pettersson Fors (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) |
Control strategies for static ZZ coupling in flux-tunable transmon coupler systems
72 |
Fabio Pezzoli (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy) |
Emergent quantum spin Hall phase in GeSn heterostructures on silicon
26 |
Claudia Politi (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) |
Towards circular Rydberg qubits of calcium atoms
79 |
Albert Pool (DLR, Germany) |
Nonlinear dynamics as a ground-state problem on a quantum computer
53 |
Sunny Pradhan (University of the Basque Country, Spain) |
Discrete Abelian lattice gauge theories on a ladder and their dualities with quantum clock models
27 |
Lucien Québaud (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria) |
A Superconducting Platform for Quantum Information Processing
28 |
Hannu Reittu (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland) |
Approximate quantum adiabatic Hamiltonian simulation on quantum computers
29 |
Jeremias Resch (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) |
Magneto-optical properties of Fourier-limited Tin-Vacancy centers in diamond
30 |
Hannes Riechert (Ecole Polytechnique, France) |
Coherent control of a carbon nanotube-based gatemon qubit
54 |
Marina Ristol Roura (Instituto Ibermática de Innovación (i3B), Spain) |
Simulating battery properties using IBM quantum processors
31 |
Emil Rizvanov (Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia) |
Design and numerical simulation of Josephson traveling-wave parametric amplifier using new circuit simulator
32 |
Constantino Rodríguez (CESGA, Spain) |
Algorithmic method to decompose unitary operators in local terms.
93 |
Aron Rozgonyi (HUN-REN Wigner RCP, Hungary) |
Training iterated protocols for distillation of GHZ states with variational quantum algorithms
33 |
Roberto Ruiz (Instituto de Física Teórica, Spain) |
The Bethe Ansatz as a Quantum Circuit
34 |
Julio Sánchez-Cánovas (University of Valladolid, Spain) |
Electric Dipole Forces on a Binary System of Atoms
35 |
Olatz Sanz (UNAV , Spain) |
Integration of maximum likelihood estimation for reducing the variance of ZNE
36 |
Ignacio Sardinero (Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain) |
Current-Phase relation in Fibonacci Josephson Junctions
37 |
Rubén Seoane Souto (Spanish Research Council (CSIC), Spain) |
Fermion-parity qubit in a double quantum dot
38 |
Marc Serra Peralta (TU Delft, The Netherlands) |
Neural network decoding of quantum error correction experiments using soft measurement information
80 |
Prachi Sharma (Saarland university, Germany) |
Quantum subspace expansion in the presence of hardware noise
39 |
Ariadna Soro (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) |
Avoiding decoherence with giant atoms in a 2D structured environment
88 |
Jedrzej Stempin (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland) |
Revisiting quantum superpositions: Insights from the Generalized Lorentz Transformation
40 |
Dominik Szombathy (Budapest Unviersity of Technology and Economics, Hungary) |
Spectral properties of Random Clifford Circuits
73 |
Bilal Tanatar (Bilkent University, Turkey) |
Thermal and electronic properties of twisted bilayer ZnO
94 |
Abdelmalek Taoutioui (HUN-REN Institute for Nuclear Research, Hungary) |
Certifying asymmetric configuration of three qubit states in the prepare-and-measure scenario
41 |
Hanifa Tidjani (TU Delft, The Netherlands) |
The Qube: a lattice of vertically and laterally coupled quantum dots
42 |
Lorenzo Siro Trezzini (Università di Pavia, Italy) |
Coarse Graining of Quantum Cellular Automata
43 |
Ivan Tsitsilin (Walther-Meissner-Institute, Germany) |
Superconducting qubits at elevated frequencies
44 |
Patrycja Tulewicz (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland) |
Experimental quantification of measuring quantum entanglement and Bell´s nonlocality of two-qubit states
45 |
Vasilisa Usova (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria) |
Closed-loop optimisation of quantum states in a high Q bosonic mode
55 |
Angelo Valli (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary) |
Full counting statistics and cumulant evolution in infinite temperature quantum spin chains
46 |
Evgenij Vasilenko (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) |
Spectroscopy and cavity-enhanced emission of Europium-based molecular systems
89 |
Valeria Vento (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland) |
Measurement-induced collective vibrational quantum coherence under spontaneous Raman scattering in a liquid
82 |
Luan Martins Veríssimo (Donostia International Physics Center, Spain) |
Dissipative Symmetry-protected topological order induced by Z2 x Z2 generators
47 |
Giuseppe Vitagliano (TU WIen, Austria) |
Quantifying entanglement with global variances
56 |
Zeki Zeybek (Universität Hamburg, Germany) |
Simulating Strongly Correlated Phases in One-Dimensional Rydberg Systems
POSTERS Session II (95) |
120 |
Digvijaysinh Ajarekar (Technical Institute of Deggendorf, Germany) |
From Classical via Hybrid to Quantum model: Quantum Machine Learning Applications for Fake Art Identification
151 |
Waseem Akbar (AGH University of Krakow, Poland) |
Topological superconductivity with mixed singlet-triplet symmetry in twisted bilayer WSe2
163 |
Sariah Al Saati (CPHT, École polytechnique, France) |
Quantum Hall and Light Responses in a 2D Topological Semimetal
95 |
Pedro Luis Alcázar Ruano (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) |
Polarization-tuneable excitonic spectral features of atomically thin ReS2
132 |
Pol Alsina Bolívar (UPV/EHU, Spain) |
J-coupling NMR Spectroscopy with Nitrogen Vacancy Centers at High Fields
96 |
Tommaso Antonelli (ETHZ, Switzerland) |
Hybridisation of Andreev bound states in a hybrid four terminal Josephson junction
164 |
Isidora Araya Day (TU Delft, The Netherlands) |
Chiral adiabatic transmission protected by Fermi surface topology
165 |
Andrés Ayuela (CFM/DIPC, Spain) |
Interplay Between Topological and Defect States: Periodic One-Dimensional Patterns in Bilayer Graphene
133 |
Yujeong Bae (Empa , Switzerland) |
Atomic-scale quantum sensing of electric and magnetic fields in a scanning tunneling microscope
166 |
Anthony Balchin (University of Surrey, UK) |
Passive Protection of Quantum Information in Mixed-Range Quantum Spin Chains
167 |
Pantelis Bampoulis (University of Twente, The Netherlands) |
Topological Phase Transition from 1D Edge States to 0D End States in Germanene Nanoribbons
97 |
Pablo Bastante (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain) |
Engineering Transport Orbitals in Single Molecule Junctions
98 |
Max Beer (RWTH Aachen University, Germany) |
Si/SiGe based quantum dot devices for memory and micron-scale connectivity with more than 200 gate electrodes
134 |
Ainitze Biteri (EHU, Spain) |
Amplified Nanoscale Detection of Labelled Molecules via Surface Electrons on Diamond
99 |
Vittorio Buccheri (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) |
Towards Andreev molecules in semiconducting nanowires
135 |
John Campbell (Maynooth University, Ireland) |
Polarization Characterization of BBO and ppKTP SPDC-based Entanglement Light Sources
121 |
Giacomo Cappiello (Università di Firenze, Italy) |
Quantum AI for Alzheimer´s disease early screening
122 |
Mariano Caruso (Fidesol | UGR, Spain) |
Classical and Quantum devices to train Learning Models
136 |
Robert Cernansky (Ulm University, Institute for Quantum Optics, Germany) |
Quantum sensing of RF fields with 10 Hz spectral resolution using NV centers in Silicon Carbide
168 |
Adam Chaou (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany) |
Disordered topological crystalline phases
100 |
Carlo Ciaccia (University of Basel, Switzerland) |
Cos(2phi) Josephson Junction and Gate Controlled Josephson Diode in Proximitized InAs Supercurrent Interferometers*
101 |
Ivo Cools (Chalmers, Sweden) |
Coplanar stripline resonators for superconductor-semiconductor hybrid devices
123 |
Onur Danaci (Leiden University , The Netherlands) |
Curriculum reinforcement learning for quantum architecture search
152 |
Xavier del Arco Fargas (INMA, Spain) |
Theoretical study of GdW10 and GdW30 molecules energy transitions and experimental fitting.
153 |
Nassim Derriche (The University of British Columbia, Canada) |
Non-uniform and anisotropic polarizability resulting in pronounced local repulsion minima in high-Tc superconductors
137 |
Aprameyan Desikan (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali, India) |
Using Entangled Generalized Coherent States for Photonic Quantum Metrology
169 |
Olesia Dmytruk (CPHT, CNRS, Ecole polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France) |
Hybrid light-matter states in topological superconductors coupled to cavity photons
124 |
Daniel Escanez-Exposito (University of La Laguna, Spain) |
QuantumSolver AI: A Quantum Artificial Intelligence Module
125 |
Eider Garate (Fundación Tekniker, Spain) |
Variational Quantum Regression on NISQ Hardware with Error Mitigation
138 |
Irene García (UV, Spain) |
Generalized spin squeezing with limited measurements
139 |
Jemy Geordy (Macquarie University, Australia) |
Quantum Control of nano-diamond Nitrogen Vacancy spin ensembles
170 |
Arnob Kumar Ghosh (Uppsala University, Sweden) |
Investigation of dissipative Rashba nanowire
185 |
Christian Louis Hanotel Pinzón (MIEM HSE University, Russia) |
Toponomic Quantum Computation
154 |
José Hugo Garcia (Institut Catala de Nanociencia i Nanotecnologia (ICN2), Spain) |
Exploring Quantum Property-Data Correlations in Metal Organic Frameworks using Unsupervised Learning
171 |
Thies Jansen (University of Twente, The Netherlands) |
Induced supercurrent in the intrinsic magnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4
140 |
Jayanth Jayakumar (University of Warsaw, Poland) |
Quantum-enhanced joint estimation of phase and phase diffusion
141 |
Sreehari Jayaram (3. Physikalisches Institut, Germany) |
Static and Dynamic Properties of a 2D Superconductor Investigated by NV Center SPM
172 |
Valerii Kachin (University of Warsaw, Poland) |
Ultra-robust topologically protected edge states in quasi-1D systems
173 |
Máté Kedves (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary) |
Self-heating effects and switching dynamics in graphene multiterminal Josephson junctions
103 |
Megan Kelly (University of Leeds, UK) |
Probing charge neutrality in InAs/GaSb coupled quantum wells
155 |
Sun-Woo Kim (University of Cambridge, UK) |
Two room-temperature superconductivity claims in 2023: Separating fact from fiction
174 |
Dennis Klaassen (University of Twente, The Netherlands) |
Quantum Spin Hall States and Topological Phase Transition in Germanene
104 |
Artem Kononov (University of Basel, Switzerland) |
Coherent control of a few-channel hole type gatemon qubit
156 |
Dibyendu Kuiri (AGH University Krakow, Poland) |
Topological phase enhancement in planar Josephson junction in the long junction regime
126 |
Adria Labay Mora (IFISC, Spain) |
Associative Memories in the Quantum Regime
105 |
Petros Laccotripes (University of Cambridge, UK) |
Spin-photon entanglement from a telecom wavelength quantum-dot
157 |
Mateusz Lacki (Jagiellonian University, Poland) |
Ground states of one-dimensional dipolar lattice bosons at unit filling
106 |
Nico Leumer (DIPC, Spain) |
Spatially-resolved dissipation in a quantum wire with a coherent scatterer
127 |
Weikang Li (Center for Quantum Information, IIIS, Tsinghua University, China) |
Exploring Quantum Learning Models on Superconducting Devices
102 |
Rosa Lopez Gonzalo (Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain) |
Heat and charge transport in interacting nanoconductors driven by time-modulated temperatures
142 |
Yanan Lu (Tsinghua University, China) |
Observing Information Backflow from Controllable Non-Markovian Multi-channels in Diamond
128 |
Zhide Lu (Tsinghua University, China) |
Deep quantum neural networks equipped with the backpropagation algorithm
143 |
Rouven Maier (Stuttgart University, Germany) |
ENDOR-Qdyne: A Nanoscale NMR Spectroscopy Protocol Applicable to High Magnetic Fields
175 |
Lucas Maisel Licerán (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) |
Wannier excitons in two-dimensional topological insulators with strong spin-orbit coupling
158 |
Shalini Maji (AGH University of Krakow, Poland) |
Detection of Majorana bound states by scanning gate microscopy
144 |
Ana Martin Fernandez (Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), Spain) |
Synchronised nuclear spin drive
107 |
Dunkan Martínez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) |
Exposing Bound States in the Continuum in InSb nanowire networks
Late 4 |
Carolina Martinez Strasser (Donostia International Physics Center, Spain) |
Topological properties of a non- Hermitian quasi-1D chain with a flat band
129 |
Rodrigo Martínez-Peña (Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), Spain) |
Quantum reservoir computing in finite dimensions
176 |
Jorge Martinez-Romeral (Institut Catala de Nanociencia i Nanotecnologia (ICN2), Spain) |
Resilient Intraparticle Entanglement and its Manifestation in Spin Dynamics of Disordered Dirac Materials
108 |
Francisco Jesús Matute-Cañadas (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain) |
Quantum circuits with multiterminal Josephson-Andreev junctions
109 |
Adrià Medeiros Garay (C2N - Université Paris Saclay, France) |
Accessing the dynamics of a single spin with a polarization-dependent projective measurement
177 |
Phillip Mercebach (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain) |
Thermoelectric signatures of Bogoliubov Fermi Surface in superconducting 3D Topological Insulator Heterostructures
159 |
Enrique Munoz (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile) |
Electromagnetic coupling and transport in a topological insulator–graphene heterostructure
110 |
Leo Noirot (CEA Grenoble, France) |
Limiting mechanisms for the lifetime and coherence of a hole-spin qubit strongly coupled to a cavity
186 |
Dmytro Oriekhov (Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, TU Delft, The Netherlands) |
Compressing neural networks by SVD in topological phase classification problem
145 |
Ruben Pellicer-Guridi (Materials Physics Center, Spain) |
Study of spectral spread in nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond for coherent spin control of electron and nitrogen nuclei ensembles
146 |
Jorge Perez-Bailon (INMA, Spain) |
YBCO SQUIDs for High-Frequency Magnetic Particle Characterization
147 |
Carlos Pobes Aranda (INMA, Spain) |
Mo/Au TESs for Quantum Technologies
148 |
Maximilian Reichert (University of the Basque Country, Spain) |
Heisenberg-Limited Quantum Lidar for Joint Range and Velocity Estimation
111 |
Antonio Lucas Rigotti Manesco (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) |
Fermionic quantum computation with Cooper pair splitters
112 |
Sungguen Ryu (IFISC, Spain) |
Unraveling Timing Noise-Induced Decoherence in Single-Electron Sources
160 |
Francesc Sabater (University of Barcelona, Spain) |
The Fermionic Tonks-Girardeau gas: composite boson formation and a novel formulation of the ground state wave function
161 |
Palash Saha (AGH University of Krakow, Poland) |
Mean Field Theory Investigation of Spin Magnetizations in MoTe₂/WSe₂ Systems
178 |
William Samuelson (Lund University, Sweden) |
Minimal quantum dot based Kitaev chain with only local superconducting proximity effect
113 |
Jonas Schuff (University of Oxford, UK) |
Fully autonomous tuning of a spin qubit
179 |
Llorenç Serra (Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain) |
Quantum‐anomalous‐Hall current patterns and interference in thin slabs of chiral topological superconductors
114 |
Sofia Sevitz (University of Potsdam, Germany) |
Study of non-linear dynamics of a nanomechanical resonator with single-electron tunnelling
118 |
Huanhuan Shi (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany) |
Preparation of Emerging 2D Materials and their Heterostructures by Electrochemistry
115 |
Oleg Shvetsov (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) |
Ultrastrong coupling between Andreev bound states and a high impedance lumped-element resonator
131 |
Michal Siemaszko (University of Warsaw, Poland) |
Time series prediction with photonic quantum memristor
180 |
Orlando J Silveira (Aalto University, Finland) |
Strain-induced topological edge states in few layers of SnTe
Late 2 |
Anastasiia Skurativska (Donostia International Physics Center, Spain) |
Probing Magnetic and Triplet Correlations in Spin-Split Superconductors with Magnetic Impurities
181 |
Rodrigo Soto Garrido (Pontificia Universidad Catolica, Chile) |
Fragile dislocation modes
162 |
Andrei Voicu Tomut (Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Spain) |
LatMatcher - AI-Powered Tool for 2D Material Stacking and Property prediction.
116 |
Nermin Trnjanin (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) |
Induced Superconductivity in Hybrid Nanowires: Hysteretic Magnetotransport and Intrinsic Magnetic Fields
149 |
Borja Varona Uriarte (UPV/EHU, Spain) |
Automatic Detection of Nuclear Spins at Arbitrary Magnetic Fields via Signal-to-Image AI Model
182 |
Florinda Viñas Boström (Lund University, Sweden) |
Magnon-mediated topological superconductivity in a quantum wire
119 |
Odysseas Williams (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) |
Probing Integer and Fractional Quantum Hall States in GaAs with Microcavity Polaritons
183 |
Femke Witmans (University of Twente, The Netherlands) |
Normal state transport and induced superconductivity in SnTe nanowires
188 |
Izabella Wojciechowska (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland) |
Tuneable spin-to-charge interconversion and valley effects in ex-so-tic and twisted graphene-based VdW heterostructures
187 |
Jan Wojcik (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland) |
Topological invariants of quantum walks
117 |
Zhen Wu (University of Twente, The Netherlands) |
Andreev bound states in Ge-Si core-shell nanowires
150 |
Fufang Xu (National Innovation Institute of Defense Technology, China) |
Analysis and compensation of the fringe contrast loss in an atomic gravimeter caused by carrier motion
184 |
Eduárd Zsurka (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg) |
Towards realistic modeling of proximitized magnetic topological insulator nanoribbons
190 |